Sunday, February 7, 2010

Camp Grace Big Group Presentation

While normally our Big Group time involves levity mixed with Biblical truths, this weekend we had a more serious presentation.  In an effort to come alongside you as you lead your children, we wanted you to see the slideshow that was presented.  For this blog, we put the slide show in a movie format, but here's what we explained about each slide:

  1. Title: Jesus Is Our Sacrifice. We studied through Leviticus and the Old Testament system for sacrifice.
  2. Preview: The Old Testament feasts, sacrifices, etc., were previews of something better to come.
  3. Sin separates us from God.
  4. Animal sacrifices were required to pay the price for sin in the Old Testament times.
  5. Jesus died on the cross for our sins.
  6. Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice, fulfilling the Old Testament requirement.
  7. Priests were a bridge to God. Aaron and his descendants talked to God for the people.
  8. Jesus is our bridge to God. Like animal sacrifices, priests were a preview of Jesus.
  9. Jesus connects us to God. He's all we need to get near to God.
  10. List of the major festivals in Old Testament. Each festival pointed to Jesus.
  11. Jesus. Everything in the Old Testament is intended to point to Jesus.

If you have any questions about this presentation, email Joey Espinosa

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