Tuesday, March 9, 2010

New Plan for This Blog

From someone who, 15 months ago, totally resisted the idea of having a blog, I've really gone overboard. In 2009, we had over 100 posts. Already in 2010, we have over 50.  I realized (with the help of some loving and "brutally honest" friends) that maybe we need to cut back a little.  I'm going to try to have shorter and less frequent posts. Additionally, we'll be more strategic and organized in the types of posts that we give throughout the week. This way, if there are particle types of posts that you are interested in, you can be sure to know when they'll appear, and just skim the other types. Here's my proposed plan:
  • Monday and/or Wednesday: Topics related specifically to our programming
  • Thursday: Miscellaneous thoughts (such as from books or articles we're reading)
  • Friday: Quick summaries and links to outside articles (you can peruse and read more on whichever interest you)
  • Sunday: Specific examples that our family is learning, thinking about, and doing
In this, the plan is to have no more than 4 posts per week (on a stretch we'll have 5, but we'll keep it short). We hope to still get out adequate information to help assist you in leading your children, while not making you feel guilty for not reading so much.

Let us know what you think. Happy reading!

-- Joey Espinosa


  1. I think that sounds like a good plan, but I didn't really feel like you were posting too much. Structure is always good though:). I usually check my blog list once a day to see who has updated theirs. Even if I don't have time to read an update one day, I can usually catch up in the next couple of days. Either way, I like this blog- thanks for your insight!

  2. Thanks, Amy! I always appreciate your comments, and I'm glad that you've enjoyed this blog. -- Joey
