Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Countdown...Rejoice and Be Glad

As another school year comes to an end, there are countdowns being kept by many: students who are anxiously awaiting sleeping in, no more homework, and days spent by the pool; parents who are also anxiously awaiting sleeping in, no more homework, and days spent by the pool; and let’s not forget the teachers who are equally excited about the chance to sleep in, no more grading of homework and tests, and of course, the pool. As I see all of the different countdowns, I am reminded of a few things:

  • Every day is a gift, and I need to be careful not to overlook the gift of today while waiting on something bigger or “better” in days to come. This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. – Psalm 118:24
  • As I countdown, am I focusing on what I am losing or what is to come? Our family is entering a transition phase as we come to an end of many years of homeschooling and feel God leading us in a new direction. As a result, I have been asked repeatedly “Am I grieving the change?”  “Am I sad to see it end?” Certainly, there are changes coming and the time we have spent together learning, laughing and growing together has been precious. I am grateful for every opportunity over the past years, but I look forward to the next season, knowing my role is to press on towards the goal. It raises the question, what is our goal? In the role of our parenting, Wes and I have kept the purpose of raising mature, Christ-loving and focused adults as the goal of our parenting. We desire more than good kids and a happy family. We desire sold-out disciples of Christ, and they need to move, mature and pursue to reach that goal. For me to hold onto any season too tight makes me an obstacle, rather than a help and source of strength.
  • For myself, I am convicted of my lack of countdown and anticipation. I can get caught up in the daily countdown and forget the greatest gift that is still to come. No one knows the hour of our Savior’s return, so am I living as if it will not occur, or rather in anticipation that today could be the day? Am I living in a “T-minus” stance? Am I living with great anticipation, knowing today could be the last day of ________? Am I living with a thankful heart...taking the time to appreciate those around me and tell them so? Am I telling others about Christ? These are all things I would do if I knew today was my last day of……… What would you do? What will you do?

- Lee Anne Cavin, Children's Ministry Director

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