Monday, July 5, 2010

Favorites of 2010

With 125 blog posts in the first 6 months of 2010, we thought we'd give some of the favorite posts, as judged by individual hits and comments.  For newer readers, and if you just missed some, this also gives you the opportunity to find some older posts.  Feel free to let us know if you had other favorites that we don't list here.

By far the most popular post was our Free Book giveaway.  We gave away about 100 copies of John Piper's Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die.  It's a great book for exploring the purposes of Jesus' death on a cross.  We hope everyone who got their own copy found it to be a blessing.  If you missed the free book, you can order your own copy here

The most popular type of posts were related to common questions that we receive and answer.  Here are the most popular questions, judging by the activity on the blog when they were answered:

Another popular type of posts were along the lines of vision, whether for the church and our Children's Ministry programming, or for family.  These include articles regarding:

What were your favorite posts on this blog?

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