Question 1
We started the year studying about the Trinity. The Trinity means that God is three persons in one. He is God the Father, God the Son and _____________________.
A. God the Creator.
B. God the Holy Spirit.
C. God the Big Guy in the Sky.
D. God the Merciful.
Question 2
God created Adam and Eve to live in the Garden of Eden. He told them they could eat from any tree, except for the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Satan tempted Eve into eating fruit from this tree, and sinning for the first time. What was Satan disguised as?
A. Skunk
B. Seal
C. Salamander
D. Serpent
Question 3
Adam and Eve had two sons, one of whom killed the other out of jealousy and anger. What were their son's names, and who killed whom?
A. Abel and Caleb; Abel killed Caleb
B. Casey and Alex; Alex killed Casey
C. Abel and Cain; Cain killed Abel
D. Joseph and Judah; Joseph killed Judah
Question 4
The world was filled with evil, and God decided to destroy every living thing. He spared Noah and his family because Noah was righteous. God showed Noah and his family grace by saving them. What is grace?
A. Being given something you deserve
B. Getting whatever you want
C. Being given something you don't deserve
D. Being mean to someone else
Question 5
After Noah and his family came off of the ark, what was the first thing Noah did?
A. Built an altar and worshipped himself
B. Built a house for his family
C. Built an altar and worshipped God
D. Built a barn to put the animals in
Question 6
God created us to worship Him. To worship in truth means:
A. To worship in a town called Truth
B. To worship from the heart
C. To take a lie detector test before worshipping
D. To find the old Christian group, Truth, and ask if you can join
Question 7
God appeared to Abram and changed his name to Abraham, which means "Father of many nations," because God promised Abraham many descendants. How old was Abraham when God appeared to him?
A. 77 years old
B. 99 years old
C. 111 years old
D. 44 years old
Question 8
When Abraham and his nephew Lot had to separate ways, they had to decide how to divide the land. How did they make that decision?
A. Abraham was selfless and let Lot choose first, even though he would probably not get what he wanted
B. Abraham chose first because he was older
C. They raced on horses
D. They played paper-rock-scissors
Question 9
When God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, Abraham:
A. Laughed and told God, "You must be kidding."
B. Packed up everything, left town, and tried to hide from God
C. Obeyed God's command because he loved and trusted God
D. Asked if he could sacrifice Lot instead
Question 10
Abraham sent his servant to his homeland to find a wife for Isaac. This servant displayed great Godly character in finding Isaac's wife. What was the name of this servant, and what was the name of the wife he found for Isaac?
A. Elliott and Rebekah
B. Eliezer and Rachel
C. Eric and Ruth
D. Eliezer and Rebekah
Question 11
Isaac and Rebekah had twin sons named Jacob and Esau. They were very different from one another, and Jacob was jealous of Esau. What did Jacob trick Esau into giving him?
A. Food
B. Birthright
C. Money
D. House
Question 12
Jacob left his family to live with his Uncle Laban. There he married Laban's daughters, Leah and Rachel, and had 12 children. God told him to return to his homeland, so Jacob obeyed. When he returned and saw Esau, he was humble and bowed to Esau. How did Esau respond?
A. He ran to Jacob and kissed him
B. He ran to Jacob and killed him
C. He turned his back to Jacob
D. He told Jacob to leave and never return
Question 13
After Satan tempted Eve and she sinned for the first time, what happened when God called to Adam and Eve?
A. They ran up to Him and gave him a hug
B. They hid from Him
C. They played tag with Him
D. They gave Him a piece of fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
Question 14
Cain killed his brother Abel out of jealousy. What happened before Cain killed Abel?
A. God warned Cain not to let sin take control
B. Cain told God he was going to kill Abel
C. Cain was angry and threw a tantrum
D. Abel gave Cain a present
Question 15
When the world had become filled with evil, and God decided to destroy every living thing, He sent a flood to do this. Before he brought the flood, how long did he give the people to confess their sins and repent?
A. 100 years
B. 260 years
C. 120 years
D. 85 years
Question 16
After the flood, the first thing Noah did was worship God. God then made a covenant (promise) to never again destroy all living things with a flood. What did he leave us as the sign of His promise?
A. Clouds
B. Rainbows
C. Waterfalls
D. Earthquakes
Question 17
God told Abram to leave his family and everything behind to go to Canaan. A famine struck Canaan, and Abram was forced to go to Egypt. What did Abram do in Egypt that showed He did not trust in God?
A. Abram lied to the Egyptians and told them he was born in Egypt
B. Abram told his wife Sarai to steal food for them
C. Abram stole food because he was afraid
D. Abram lied to the Egyptians and told the pharaoh his wife Sarai was his sister
Question 18
When Lot was captured, Abram fought the army who had Lot and won. He freed Lot and got back everything that had been taken. Which king blessed Abram after his victory?
A. King of Sodom
B. Melchizedek
C. King of Salem
D. Kedorlaomer
Question 19
God blessed Abraham and Sarah in their old age with a son. They named him Isaac. What does Isaac's name mean?
A. Sad
B. Funny
C. Laughter
D. Waiting
Question 20
When Abraham sent Eliezer to go to his homeland to look for a wife for Isaac, Eliezer obeyed all of Abraham's commands. Where did he meet Isaac's wife, Rebekah?
A. At a stream
B. In a courtyard
C. On a hill
D. At a well
Answers- 1)B 2)D 3)C 4)C 5)C 6) B 7)B 8)A 9)C 10)D 11) B 12) A 13)B 14)A 15)C 16) B 17) D 18) B 19)C 20) D